Top "Opencl" questions

OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a framework for writing programs that execute across heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs, and other processors.

Compiling an OpenCL program using a CL/cl.h file

I have sample "Hello, World!" code from the net and I want to run it on the GPU on my …

opencl gpu gpu-programming
Barriers in OpenCL

In OpenCL, my understanding is that you can use the barrier() function to synchronize threads in a work group. I …

What is a bank conflict? (Doing Cuda/OpenCL programming)

I have been reading the programming guide for CUDA and OpenCL, and I cannot figure out what a bank conflict …

cuda opencl nvidia bank-conflict
Complete .NET OpenCL Implementations

I've been looking all over but have had little luck. Are there any well documented .NET binding implementations for OpenCL? (…

c# .net opencl
How to use graphics memory as RAM?

Since graphics cards provide large amounts of RAM (0.5GiB to 2GiB) and API access to the GPU is not that …

memory memory-management cuda opencl
How can I test for OpenCL compatibility?

I have a MacBook Pro 13' with an integrated Intel HD 3000 and a i7 core. I have to use Parallel …

macos opencl gpu osx-lion
CUDA / OpenCL within a Virtual Machine / Hypervisor

Anyone know of any virtualisation solutions that either allow CUDA/OpenCL access directly or implement CUDA/OpenCL abstraction. UPDATE: Thank …

cuda virtualization opencl xen hypervisor
What is the difference between OpenCL and OpenGL's compute shader?

I know OpenCL gives control of the GPU's memory architecture and thus allows better optimization, but, leaving this aside, can …

opengl opencl gpgpu compute-shader
How to compile OpenCL on Ubuntu?

Question: What is needed headers and drivers are needed and where would I get them for compiling open CL on …

ubuntu compilation opencl
OpenCL / AMD: Deep Learning

While "googl'ing" and doing some research I were not able to find any serious/popular framework/sdk for scientific GPGPU-Computing …

sdk opencl neural-network gpgpu deep-learning