Top "Workgroup" questions

Why does MSMQ think I'm on a workgroup computer?

My computer is connected to a domain, but when I go to create a public queue: MessageQueue.Create(@".\testqueue"); I …

dns msmq workgroup
Work Group Sizes

For a given Kernel, why are work_groups of always the same size? I read somewhere (for the case in …

opencl workgroup
In C# how do I get the list of local computer names like what one gets viewing the Network in windows explorer

There are a lot of questions about getting the name and IP addresses of the local machine and several about …

c# windows lan workgroup
How to join a workgroup computer to a domain remotely

Scenario: I'm using ComputerA in a domain with admin credentials. Remote ComputerB (with known admin credentials) is in a workgroup. …

vbscript dns workgroup ou
C# Programmatic Remote Folder / File Authentication In Non-Domain Windows Environment

I need to be able to programmatically authenticate when trying to read and write files on a remote computer in …

c# windows authentication fileshare workgroup
How can I get the Workgroup name of a computer using C#?

I've read about getting it with the Environment class, but can't find it. Thanks guys.

c# workgroup
Unable to access WMI when getting "Windows cannot connect to the domain" Error message

So I've got an XP Pro workstation that is reporting "Windows cannot connect to the domain, either because the domain …

vbscript dns wmi trust workgroup