Top "Opacity" questions

Opacity is the degree to which a graphical object obscures objects which are rendered behind it.

Is it possible to set the opacity of qt widgets?

I know that there is a function QWidget::setWindowOpacity(qreal level) but as written in the documentation this does only …

c++ qt opacity qwidget
Presenting a view controller with dim background

I have a view controller which view's background I need to be translucent and keep showing the view below. I've …

ios swift uiviewcontroller opacity presentviewcontroller
jQuery: Can you find the selected element's opacity with jQuery?

I have a filter running on a set of list elements which fades the lesser desirable elements down to 0.25 opacity …

jquery opacity fadeto
jquery fade out div with page scroll

I am trying to fade a div out as the page scrolls down (with the page scroll - not just …

jquery css opacity scrolltop
How to make a Texture2D 50% transparent? XNA

I'm using SpriteBatch to draw a Texture2D on the screen and was wondering how I could manipulate the the …

xna transparency opacity
Python PIL 0.5 opacity, transparency, alpha

Is there any way to make an image half transparent? the pseudo code is something like this: from PIL import …

python transparency python-imaging-library opacity alpha
SVG animation opacity on loop

I would like to make an svg path's opacity to go from 0 to 100 back to 0 and to 100 on a continuous …

animation svg opacity
Setting opacity on $primary-color in sass

Is there an option to include opacity on the colors you define to be your primary/secondary colors in the …

sass opacity
No opacity on div inside a div with opacity

I have to use the ajax toolkit for a task and what I am doing is to display … html css opacity
Text Overlay Image with Darkened Opacity React Native

I am attempting to overlay a title over an image - with the image darkened with a lower opacity. However, …

javascript image overlay react-native opacity