Top "Opacity" questions

Opacity is the degree to which a graphical object obscures objects which are rendered behind it.

How to make element fade in on page scroll?

I have the following element in my page: <div id="banner" class="disappear">Hello</div> The …

jquery html css opacity onscroll
Flutter: Best way to change a widget opacity and color on scroll

My goal is to change the color and the opacity of the appbar when user scrolls down. My logic is: …

scroll colors flutter opacity flutter-appbar
Multiple CSS filters in IE

I'm just wondering that it is possible to apply two different filters in IE using CSS. So, I need to …

css internet-explorer filter opacity transparent
How to keep hamburger icon without visible appBar flutter

I recently tried keeping a Hamburger icon for my menu slider without an AppBar or at least completely invisible. The …

dart flutter opacity flutter-appbar
css3 animations hard blink (no fade inbetween frames)

trying to flash three elements in a row with css3 animations. i've got it running, but there is a fade …

css animation opacity blink
jQuery mouseover mouseout opacity

function hoverOpacity() { $('#fruit').mouseover(function() { $(this).animate({opacity: 0.5}, 1500); }); $('#fruit').mouseout(function() { $(this).animate({opacity: 1}, 1500); }); } This is my function …

jquery mouseover opacity mouseout
How to make UISlider's "track" invisible?

I'm trying to emulate Apple's "Slide to Unlock" feature in my application. I get to this point (image below), but …

iphone objective-c opacity uislider
Precise OpacityMask

Suppose I need to set an opacity mask on a WPF control that highlights a portion of it in precise …

wpf layout opacity mask viewport
Android: How to specify the opacity of a <layer-list>?

I want my LayerList to have an opacity of 80 so I wrote: <layer-list xmlns:android="…

android android-layout opacity layer-list
Make QT Widgets semi-opaque

I am working with a QWidget elements which contains child elements, what I need is some way to make this …

c++ qt widget transparency opacity