Top "Opacity" questions

Opacity is the degree to which a graphical object obscures objects which are rendered behind it.

Text shadow opacity

Is it possible to adjust the opacity of just the text shadow, rather than the text itself as well? E.…

opacity css
Java - set opacity in JPanel

Let's say I want to make the opacity of a JPanel %20 viewable? I don't mean setOpaque (draw or not draw) …

java jpanel opacity
How to change a bitmap's opacity?

I have a bitmap: Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("some/arbitrary/path/image.jpg"); But I'm not going to display the …

java android bitmap opacity alpha
CSS animation with delay and opacity

I am trying to fade in a element after 2 sec using CSS animation. The code works great in new browsers, …

css animation opacity
Opacity on a background Drawable image in View (using XML Layout)

I was just wondering if there was a way to change the opacity of the background image for a View (…

android layout view opacity drawable
transparent background image

I have the following css. #mypass{ background-image: url("Images/logo.png"); background-attachment: fixed; background-position:140px 100px ; background-size: 100px; background-repeat: no-repeat; …

css opacity
Dropshadow with css

I want to add a transparent dropshadow to my div. I have a container, and behind it I want to …

css opacity dropshadow
JPEG image with alpha channel on website

I would like to make a JPEG image file with some pixels that are partially transparent or fully transparent, similar …

transparency jpeg opacity alpha
Setting opacity of html elements in different browsers

I need to set an HTML <img src=""/> object's opacity in JavaScript in all the browsers. In Firefox …

javascript opacity
jQuery: if my css visibility:hidden, how can i appear my elements?

in my css i've set some elements visibiliy:hidden, how can I show them? I've done it before with opacity, …

jquery visibility opacity