Top "Opacity" questions

Opacity is the degree to which a graphical object obscures objects which are rendered behind it.

Opaque white background with rgba displays grey over white background?

I added a transparent background on a div, over a white background with like that: body { background: white; } .opaque-white { background: …

css colors opacity
Set drawable opacity

How can i set the opacity of a Drawable object?

android opacity
Creating a fade out label

This might seem like a simple question... I'm looking for the Label.Opacity property in C# Winforms. What I wish …

c# winforms label opacity fadeout
Opacity CSS that works for all browsers?

Can someone recommend the safest approach for giving an OPACITY VALUE to a DIV TAG using CSS? Erik

css opacity
Highcharts area fillOpacity do not work when changing the color

I want an area chart with opacity 0.1. If I do not specify the color, everything works fine: plotOptions: { series: { fillOpacity: 0.1 } } …

highcharts opacity
changing rgba alpha transparency with jquery

Possible Duplicate: jQuery + RGBA color animations hey, i want to change the opacity of an rgba value on hover, but …

jquery animation css opacity rgba
Set opacity to the menu but keep text opaque in CSS

How can I create a menu which only its background is transparent? The text should keep opaque (opacity: 1) If I …

css transparency opacity rgba
Change Background opacity without changing content opacity

I wanted to know how can I change the opacity of the background of the WPF Window without effecting the …

.net wpf opacity
Can a child div have a higher opacity than parent with css?

I have a background on a page body that is an image which I want to show through the first …

css opacity
Calculating opacity value mathematically

How is opacity calculated mathematically? There is opacity value in Photoshop, CSS etc. Actually this opacity is the transparent behavior …

colors opacity equation mathematical-expressions