Top "Nsthread" questions

`NSThread` is part of the Objective-C Foundation Framework and provides developers a way to create and manage threads.

need some clarifications about dispatch queue, thread and NSRunLoop

The following things are what I know & understand: Global queue is a concurrent queue which can dispatch tasks to …

ios multithreading grand-central-dispatch nsthread nsrunloop
calling method repeatedly after 3 seconds time interval in background

I have gone through many sites but still no answer. I have a method suppose void xyz(), which will get …

ios iphone objective-c xcode nsthread
calling selector with two arguments on NSThread issue

I'd like to make a Thread with multiple arguments. Is it possible? I have the function: -(void) loginWithUser:(NSString *) …

iphone objective-c nsthread
iPhone SDK - Running a repeating process in a background thread

I have an iPhone application which in which I want to perform a method in the background every 1 second. So …

iphone objective-c multithreading cocoa-touch nsthread
Wait for download task to finish in NSURLSession

My scenario looks like this: I have a class which has a function in it and this function makes a …

swift asynchronous nsthread
Passing primitives through performSelectorOnMainThread

Ok, so say i have a second thread running, but it wants to manipulate something on the main thread, like …

objective-c macos nsthread
Xcode: How to set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1?

I'm getting this warning in the log window of the debugger: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_…

xcode5 nsthread catransaction
What does NSRunLoop do?

I read many posts about NSRunLoop, like this, this, this. But can't figure out what NSRunLoop actually does What I …

ios port nsthread nsrunloop
How to make NSRunLoop work inside a separate thread?

Please look at this code: @interface myObject:NSObject -(void)function:(id)param; @end @implementation myObject -(void)function:(id)…

iphone objective-c nsthread nsrunloop
GCD vs performSelectorInBackground/performSelectorOnMainThread

I am new in ios development. I have following questions: When we use GCD(dispatch_group_async, dispatch_async(dispatch_…

ios objective-c nsthread