Top "Nsthread" questions

`NSThread` is part of the Objective-C Foundation Framework and provides developers a way to create and manage threads.

How to check current thread in Swift 3?

How do I check which one is the current thread in Swift 3? In previous versions of Swift it was possible …

ios multithreading swift3 nsthread
Help with multi-threading on iOS?

I have an application which utilizes OpenEars and the Flite library. The problem is that the Flite library is resource …

iphone multithreading ios nsthread
dispatch_get_main_queue() in main thread

I have method which makes UI changes in some cases. For example: -(void) myMethod { if(someExpressionIsTrue) { // make some UI …

objective-c multithreading grand-central-dispatch nsthread
Objective C find caller of method

Is there a way to determine the line of code a certain method was called from?

ios objective-c debugging nsthread
How to wait for a thread to finish in Objective-C

I'm trying to use a method from a class I downloaded somewhere. The method executes in the background while program …

objective-c multithreading cocoa-touch background nsthread
Perform UI Changes on main thread using dispatch_async or performSelectorOnMainThread?

Possible Duplicate: Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) vs. performSelector - need a better explanation To execute "stuff" on the main thread, …

ios objective-c asynchronous grand-central-dispatch nsthread
NSThread sleepfortimeinterval blocks main thread

I want to simulate a communication with a server. As the remote server will have some delays I want to …

ios nsthread
Grand Central Dispatch vs. NSThread

I created some test code for NSThread and Grand Central Dispatch (GCD): - (void)doIt:(NSNumber *)i { sleep(1); NSLog(@"Thread#%…

ios cocoa-touch grand-central-dispatch nsthread
setKeepAliveTimeout and BackgroundTasks

I've a big headache with the topic. I'm working on an application that needs to poll a webserver regularly, in …

iphone objective-c nsurlconnection nsthread objective-c-blocks