Top "Nsthread" questions

`NSThread` is part of the Objective-C Foundation Framework and provides developers a way to create and manage threads.

dispatch_semaphore_t reuse - What am I missing here?

I have some code where I am using dispatch_semaphore_t to signal operation completion. When the semaphore is a …

objective-c grand-central-dispatch semaphore nsthread
Run method on main thread from another thread

My model class has to get some data from the internet. So I decided to run it on another thread …

cocoa nsthread
iOS Threads Wait for Action

I have a processing thread that I use to fill a data buffer. Elsewhere a piece of hardware triggers a …

iphone objective-c ios nsthread
How do I create an NSThread that isn't the main thread without performing a selector immediately

I want to create a worker thread that isn't the main thread so I can call ... [self performSelector:@selector(doStuff) …

ios nsthread
How does multithreading on iPhone OS work? How do I use it?

I am curious about threads on iPhone. Are they easy to establish and to maintain? How does it work on …

iphone objective-c multithreading cocoa-touch nsthread
How to pause an NSThread until notified?

I have a worker thread that I want to do one bit of its task, then pause & wait for …

cocoa nsthread
Is it ok to create a UIView on a background thread?

I know UIView are not thread safe so i cant add a view on a background thread, to work around …

objective-c ios uiview uiviewcontroller nsthread
MBProgressHUD blocking user interaction

My application has a MBProgressHUD on the screen while the CLLocationManager is getting the user current location at a separate …

objective-c cllocationmanager nsthread mbprogresshud
Running NSTimer on a thread

I am trying to run a NSTimer on a thread using iPhone SDK 3.0. I think I am doing everything correctly (…

iphone nstimer nsthread runloop
How to cancel or stop NSThread?

I'm doing an app that loads the contents of viewControllers using NSThread while is reading an XML file. I have …

iphone ios sdk nsthread