Top "Catransaction" questions

CATransaction allows you to make batch updates to the Core Animation render tree, and it also allows to trigger implicit animations just by setting layer properties inside of a CATransaction.

CoreAnimation warning deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction

I am having issues with the following warning: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in …

multithreading core-animation nsoperation catransaction
+[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction

If I close my iPad app while I'm loading data from services, the app closes but then immediately opens again …

ios ipad locking catransaction
How to specify selector when CAKeyframeAnimation is finished?

I'm using a CAKeyframeAnimation to animate a view along a CGPath. When the animation is done, I'd like to be …

iphone core-animation cakeyframeanimation catransaction
Animate custom CALayer properties inside a CATransaction

Until now I've been able to animate the custom properties of my CALayer subclass, thanks to + (BOOL)needsDisplayForKey:(NSString *)key …

iphone properties core-animation catransaction
Xcode: How to set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1?

I'm getting this warning in the log window of the debugger: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_…

xcode5 nsthread catransaction