Top "Nspredicate" questions

The NSPredicate class is used in Mac OS X and iOS development to define logical conditions used to constrain a search either for a fetch or for in-memory filtering.

Filtering NSArray of NSDictionary objects using NSPredicate

I have an NSArray of NSDictionary objects. I want to filter the array based on keys of the dictionaries using …

iphone ios nsarray nsdictionary nspredicate
Using NSPredicate to filter array of arrays

I have the following situation: NSArray( NSArray( string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, ) , NSArray( string6, string7, string8, string9, string10, ) ) Now I …

ios objective-c nsarray nspredicate
Filtering array of dictionaries in Swift

I have An Array With Dictionaries example : ( { Email = "[email protected]"; Name = "Kate Bell"; Number = "(555) 564-8583"; }, { Email = "[email protected]"; …

swift2 nsmutablearray uisearchbar nspredicate nsmutabledictionary
NSPredicate: Combine CONTAINS with IN

I have a set of users in CoreData and an search field in my application. User has the properties firstname …

core-data nspredicate
Swift - Predicate to filter an array by a property of member array

I need to filter out an array of MyClass3 Objects. An array of MyClass2 Objects is a member of MyClass3 …

ios swift nspredicate array-filter
Combining Two Conditions in NSPredicate

How do you combine two conditions in NSPredicate? I am using the following statement and I would like to add …

swift nspredicate
Searching NSArray of NSDictionary objects

I've contacts array where each contact is a dictionary. Each contact has a key "contact_type" which is an NSNumber. …

ios nsarray nsdictionary nspredicate
Multiple NSPredicates for NSFetchRequest in Swift?

Currently, I have a simple NSFetchRequest with an associated NSPredicate. However, Im hoping there is a way you can append …

swift nspredicate
Multiple conditions in NSPredicate

How to use multiple conditions with NSPredicate? I am using this but not getting anything in the returned array . NSPredicate *…

objective-c ios cocoa-touch ipad nspredicate
Can I use an NSPredicate in Swift with a nil argument?

I'm trying to convert a project that uses Core Data from Objective-C to Swift. The data model is structured so …

core-data swift nspredicate