How to use multiple conditions with NSPredicate
I am using this but not getting anything in the returned array .
NSPredicate *placePredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"place CONTAINS[cd] %@ AND category CONTAINS[cd] %@ AND ((dates >= %@) AND (dates <= %@)) AND ((amount >= %f) AND (amount <= %f))",placeTextField.text,selectedCategory,selectedFromDate,selectedToDate,[amountFromTextField.text floatValue],[amountToTextField.text floatValue]];
NSArray *placePredicateArray = [dataArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:placePredicate];
NSLog(@"placePredicateArray %@", placePredicateArray);
The amount and the category can be empty sometimes. How should I construct the NSPredicate
You can build your placesPredicate
using other NSPredicate
objects and the NSCompoundPredicate
Something like :
NSPredicate *p1 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"place CONTAINS[cd] %@", placeTextField.text];
NSPredicate *p2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"category CONTAINS[cd] %@", selectedCategory];
NSPredicate *p3 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(dates >= %@) AND (dates <= %@)", selectedFromDate,selectedToDate];
NSPredicate *p4 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(amount >= %f) AND (amount <= %f)", [amountFromTextField.text floatValue],[amountToTextField.text floatValue]];
NSPredicate *placesPredicate = [NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:@[p1, p2, p3, p4]];
Now, if you are missing category for example you can just use a dummy YES
predicate to replace it :
NSPredicate *p2;
if (selectedCategory) {
p2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"category CONTAINS[cd] %@", selectedCategory];
} else {
p2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithBool:YES]