Top "Nspredicate" questions

The NSPredicate class is used in Mac OS X and iOS development to define logical conditions used to constrain a search either for a fetch or for in-memory filtering.

NSFetchedResultsController: changing predicate not working?

I'm writing an app with two tables on one screen. The left table is a list of folders and the …

iphone uitableview core-data nspredicate nsfetchedresultscontroller
What are best practices for validating email addresses in Swift?

I'm looking for the simplest and cleanest method for validating email (String) in Swift. In Objective-C I used this method, …

ios objective-c iphone swift nspredicate
Quick Explanation of SUBQUERY in NSPredicate Expression

There appears to be zero documentation about the SUBQUERY keyword from Apple and I can't find a simple explanation about …

iphone cocoa cocoa-touch subquery nspredicate
Filter Core Data results by property IN array

I currently have Core Data successfully returning all of the results for a specific entity titled Event: NSManagedObjectContext *context = [delegate …

objective-c cocoa ios core-data nspredicate
Core Data: Keypath Error Not Found in Entity <NSSQLEntity Studies id=3>

Could any one tell me what's the wrong with this code? It raises the following error and cause application to …

objective-c core-data nspredicate nsfetchrequest
to check an coredata object is nil

I want to find out the objects in the core data, my code: Types: signedDate (Date) alarmDate(Date) starTime(NSDate) …

ios core-data nspredicate
Unable to query for date using NSPredicate in Swift

I'm trying to make a fetch for dates later than a specific date. My predicate is as follows: NSPredicate(format: "…

ios swift core-data nspredicate
case insensitive NSPredicate with single result in CoreData

Here is my current NSPredicate: NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"UPC==%@ OR ItemID==%@", aUPCCode,aUPCCode]; How can I make this case …

ios core-data nspredicate
Email Validation in iOS

Email validation checking in iPhone programming can be done using RegexKitLite library (iOS2.0), NSPredicate (iOS 3.0 onwards) and NSRegularExpression (iOS 4.0). But …

ios validation email nspredicate nsregularexpression
Core Data - filtering a To-Many Relationship using Predicates

I have the following two entities in my Core Data Model: Manufacture {name, ...other attributes} Product {name, .... other attributes} I …

ios core-data nspredicate