Top "Nsfetchrequest" questions

On macOS 10.

How to get Core Data object from specific Object ID?

I can easily get an object's ID in Core Data using the following code: NSManagedObjectID *moID = [managedObject objectID]; However, is …

ios macos cocoa core-data nsfetchrequest
CoreData get distinct values of Attribute

I'm trying to setup my NSFetchRequest to core data to retrieve the unique values for a specific attribute in an …

ios core-data nsfetchrequest
How to use predicates with fetchRequest in Core Data

I pass a contact Identifier from Contacts tableview controller to another Location tableview controller. So I define a delegate ContactSelectionDelegate …

ios swift core-data ios10 nsfetchrequest
iOS CoreData NSPredicate to query multiple properties at once

I am trying to use a UISearchBar to query multiple properties of a NSManagedObject I have a NSManagedObject called Person, …

ios core-data nspredicate nsfetchrequest
How do fix the "Cannot find 'NSFetchRequest' in scope error

I have tried to make an NSFetchRequest in many different ways and each time I get this error: "Cannot find …

arrays swift xcode nsfetchrequest
Core Data: Keypath Error Not Found in Entity <NSSQLEntity Studies id=3>

Could any one tell me what's the wrong with this code? It raises the following error and cause application to …

objective-c core-data nspredicate nsfetchrequest
Core Data : Keypath name not found in entity

I'm crashing with this message : 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'keypath name not found in entity Obvisouly I'm not querying my entity correctly . //…

objective-c swift core-data nsfetchrequest
How do I make a fetch request using NSManagedObject's new fetchRequest function?

In iOS 10 the CoreData team added a new "fetchRequest" method to NSManagedObject. It looks like this: public class func fetchRequest() …

ios core-data nsfetchrequest swift3 xcode8-beta2
Can I apply multiple predicates to an NSFetchRequest? Would it be better to manually parse my results?

Ok I have a basic iPad app that asks for 5 search/filter criteria from the user. Based on this data, …

iphone core-data nspredicate nsfetchrequest
iOS: NSPredicate using NSDate to compare

I have an NSDate attribute called startDate stored in the persistence store in the following format (picture below). 426174354 = July 04, 2014 I …

ios ios7 nsdate nspredicate nsfetchrequest