Top "Nsregularexpression" questions

The NSRegularExpression class is used to represent and apply regular expressions to Unicode strings.

How to capture multiple repeated groups?

I need to capture multiple groups of the same pattern. Suppose, I have a following string: HELLO,THERE,WORLD And …

regex swift nsregularexpression regex-greedy regex-group
How to write regular expressions in Objective C (NSRegularExpression)?

I have this regex working when I test it in PHP but it doesn't work in Objective C: (?:www\.)?((?!-)[…

objective-c ios regex nsregularexpression
Check if string contains special characters in Swift

I have to detect whether a string contains any special characters. How can I check it? Does Swift support regular …

ios iphone regex swift nsregularexpression
Using regex to match date format in yyyymmdd

The regex should match valid dates in a string in the format YYYYMMDD. For example, aaa_20150327_bbb should be matched …

regex date nsregularexpression leap-year
Capture groups not working in NSRegularExpression

Why is this code only spitting out the entire regex match instead of the capture group? Input @"A long string …

objective-c regex ios nsregularexpression capture-group
Email Validation in iOS

Email validation checking in iPhone programming can be done using RegexKitLite library (iOS2.0), NSPredicate (iOS 3.0 onwards) and NSRegularExpression (iOS 4.0). But …

ios validation email nspredicate nsregularexpression
Using NSRegularExpression to extract URLs on the iPhone

I'm using the following code on my iPhone app, taken from here to extract all URLs from striped .html code. …

objective-c regex nsstring nsarray nsregularexpression
iOS email address validation

I've got a form and what I'm trying to do is validate email addresses before they're inserted into my database. …

ios regex ios6 nsregularexpression
iOS Regex: Unknown escape sequence "\|"

I'm getting a weird warning, and as a result my regex search isn't working. Here's the line: NSRange r = [HTML …

objective-c ios regex nsregularexpression
regular expressions replace in iOS

I am going to need to replace a dirty string for a clean string: -(void)setTheFilter:(NSString*)filter { [filter …

ios regex nsregularexpression