Top "Nsnumber" questions

on Mac OS X, NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type

Storing ints in a Dictionary

As I understand, in Objective-C you can only put Objects into dictionaries. So if I was to create a dictionary, …

iphone objective-c dictionary integer nsnumber
Converting (u)int64_t to NSNumbers

So essentially my question is this, I am creating an NSMutableDictionary using uint64_t objects as the key. Is there …

cocoa nsnumber uint64
NSPredicate, NsNumber numberWithFloat:0.0 (iPhone)

hi i have Core Data database with numerical attributes. they are NSNumbers. Default value is 0.0 but when i try to …

iphone nspredicate nsnumber
How to convert string with number to NSDecimalNumber that has a comma not a decimal point?

I have an interface giving me numbers like this 0000000012345,78 So i figured out how to make a number out of …

iphone objective-c nsnumber nsnumberformatter
How do you get the int and modulo (mod) of division with an NSDecimalNumber

I am confused by NSDecimalNumber and its "behaviors". I have an NSDecimalNumber that represents a dollar value, say $37.50. I'd like …

objective-c cocoa cocoa-touch nsnumber
Best way to handle persistent Boolean in plist?

What's the best way to handle Boolean values that derive from a UISwitch setting, and are stored in an NSMutableDictionary …

iphone objective-c boolean nsmutabledictionary nsnumber
Formatting number as percentage

I don't understand how NSNumberFormatterPercentStyle works! Example: NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:90.5]; NSNumberFormatter *percentageFormatter = [[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; [percentageFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterPercentStyle]; …

ios iphone percentage nsnumber nsnumberformatter
NSNumber arithmetic

I want to perform some simple arithmetic on NSNumbers and preserve the type. Is this possible? For example: - (NSNumber *)…

ios types nsnumber
Accessing boolValue in a NSNumber var with optional chaining (in Swift)

I have a NSManagedObject subclass with an optional instance variable @NSManaged var condition: NSNumber? // This refers to a optional boolean …

swift nsnumber optional