Top "Nsnumber" questions

on Mac OS X, NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type

Check if NSArray contains some int

I have a NSMutableArray of NSNumbers. Basically I just want to check if any of the NSNumbers in the array = …

objective-c nsmutablearray nspredicate nsnumber
NSNumber constants in Obj-C

I want to make some NSNumber constants via the same style used for NSStrings in this topic. That is, I'm …

objective-c ios constants nsnumber
setProgress is no longer updating UIProgressView since iOS 5

I have a little trouble with a progress bar since iOS 5 came out. The code below was working fine before …

ios4 ios5 nsnumber uiprogressview
NSNumberFormatter numberFromString returns null

Here's my code NSNumberFormatter *currencyStyle = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; [currencyStyle setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4]; [currencyStyle setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle]; NSNumber *amount = [[NSNumber alloc] init]; NSLog(@"…

iphone objective-c ios nsnumber nsnumberformatter
Swift- Cannot invoke '-' with an argument list of type (NSNumber , NSTimeinterval)

i am trying to get the current time passes from certain point from the starting point of the app. var …

swift nsnumber nstimeinterval
NSNumber from NSDate

I'm attempting to get around a date validation that refuses to take anything earlier than tomorrow. So far I have …

objective-c xcode nsdate nsnumber
Compare NSNumber with NSInteger

I spent some time today chasing down two bugs, and ended up fixing both of them using the same solution. …

iphone objective-c ios nsnumber nsinteger
What's the largest value an NSNumber can store?

What's the largest value an NSNumber can store? // ok NSNumber *value = @(1 << 31); // gives compiler error, so max NSNumber is 32…

objective-c max nsnumber primitive
Swift: CInt to Int conversion?

What is the most concise way to convert a CInt to an Int (the native integer type) in Swift? Right …

casting integer type-conversion swift nsnumber
Detecting if NSNumber is between 0 and 255

I am trying to detect whether a NSNumber is between 0 and 255 or not. Whenever I run the app, I receive …

iphone objective-c ios ipad nsnumber