Top "Nsnumber" questions

on Mac OS X, NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type

Compare a NSNumber to an int

I've a simple question (I think): I'm trying to compare a NSNumber with a int, to see if it is 0 …

objective-c compare nsnumber
Objective-C: Find numbers in string

I have a string that contains words as well as a number. How can I extract that number from the …

iphone objective-c ios nsstring nsnumber
Objective c: Check if integer/int/number

In objective c, how can i check if a string/NSNumber is an integer or int

objective-c variables nsstring int nsnumber
Comparing two NSNumber objects

I used this code to compare two NSNumber objects, but it never passed the if condition. listItems = [appDelegate.productStatus componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; …

ios comparison nsnumber
Trying to NSLog an NSNumber ivar in an instance method

I'm working on a console app that is tracks different songs. I'm working on getting the song class up off …

objective-c nsnumber nslog
NSMutableArray add Object as pointer only?

I have this little code NSMutableArray *myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; NSNumber *myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:752.65]; [myArray addObject:myNumber]; With this code …

objective-c cocoa nsmutablearray nsnumber
iOS Implicit conversion of int to NSNumber is disallowed with ARC

on following code i'm get the errormessage: Implicit conversion of 'int' to 'NSNumber *' is disallowed with ARC. What i'm …

objective-c ios nsnumber
React Native - NSNumber cannot be converted to NSString

Below is part of my react component. I have a props named daysUntil coming into this component which contains a …

ios reactjs nsstring react-native nsnumber
Objective-C Converting an integer to a hex value

I've got a dictionary initialized like so... keyDictionary = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:values forKeys:keys]retain]; where keys is an NSArray of …

objective-c nsnumber
check if NSNumber is empty

How do I check if a NSNumber object is nil or empty? OK nil is easy: NSNumber *myNumber; if (myNumber == …

iphone objective-c cocoa-touch nsnumber