Top "Nsdictionary" questions

A member of Apple's Objective-C framework Cocoa.

static NSDictionary* const letterValues = @{ ..... } in a method does not compile

In a word game for iPhone: I'm trying to use the following code in my custom view Tile.m: - (…

ios objective-c static nsdictionary constants
How to update NSMutableDictionary?

I have an NSMutableDictionary. NSMutableDictionary* plistDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path]; I have to update an element in that dictionary. How …

iphone objective-c nsdictionary nsmutabledictionary
Convert nsdictionary to nsdata

have an app that can take a picture and then upload to a server. encoding it to base 64 and pass …

iphone objective-c uiimagepickercontroller nsdictionary nsdata
[__NSDictionaryI setObject:forKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

I am trying to add "dateTime" to My dictionary as defined follows: Symptom Ranking: { 5111ef19253b4a9150000000 = 1; 5111f029253b4add4…

ios nsdictionary nsmutabledictionary foundation
How do I load a plist file from disk as a NSDictionary on iOS?

I want to load the plist file from disk (documents, application cache, ...) not from a resource bundle.

ios plist nsdictionary
Casting a CFDictionaryRef to NSDictionary?

I have the code (stripped down): CFDictionaryRef *currentListingRef; //declare currentListingRef here NSDictionary *currentListing; currentListing = (NSDictionary *) currentListingRef; And then I get …

objective-c xcode ios4 casting nsdictionary
Swift - Stored values order is completely changed in Dictionary

I tried to display datas which is in Dictionary format. Below, three attempts are there. First attempt, output order is …

ios swift nsdictionary
Filtering NSDictionary with predicate

I am using a NSDictionary that itself contains dictionaries some keys and its values.The format is like , { "1" = { "key1" = "ss", "…

iphone objective-c nsdictionary nspredicate
insert NSDictionary into CoreData

I have an NSDictionary and a CoreData Database. I want to insert the NSDictionary into the database. How can I …

iphone objective-c core-data nsdictionary