Top "Fast-enumeration" questions

An Objective-C language feature which offers more concise enumeration code with better performance than other options (i.e. NSEnumerator)

Fastest way to check if an array contains the same objects of another array

The goal is to compare two arrays as and check if they contain the same objects (as fast as possible …

ios objective-c nsarray fast-enumeration
What is the BOOL *stop argument for enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: used for?

I've been using enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: a lot lately for my fast-enumeration needs, and I'm having a hard time understanding the usage …

objective-c cocoa-touch nsarray enumeration fast-enumeration
Loop through subview to check for empty UITextField - Swift

I"m wondering how to essentially transform the objective c code below into swift. This will loop through all the …

ios for-loop swift fast-enumeration
Objective c "for each" (fast enumeration) -- evaluation of collection?

It seems from experimentation that the collection expression is evaluated only once. Consider this example: static NSArray *a; - (NSArray *)…

iphone objective-c foreach fast-enumeration
Keep track of index in fast enumeration

I want to get the index of the current object when using fast enumeration, i.e. for (MyClass *entry in …

objective-c cocoa-touch fast-enumeration
fast enumeration for NSDictionary instance ordered by the key

Overview I am using fast enumeration to iterate through an NSDictionary instance I expected the NSDictionary instance to be enumerated …

objective-c nsdictionary fast-enumeration