NInject is a dependency injection framework for .NET applications.
I'm trying to use the new ASP.Net MVC 4 Web API project template with Ninject but have hit a wall …
c# ninject I have the following code: public class RobotNavigationService : IRobotNavigationService { public RobotNavigationService(IRobotFactory robotFactory) { //... } } public class RobotFactory : IRobotFactory { public IRobot …
c# .net inversion-of-control ninject ioc-containerI'm familiar with MVC but I'm trying to learn WPF with Ninject. Can some one give me some example or …
wpf ninjectI use Ninject as a DI Container in my application. In order to loosely couple to my logging library, I …
c# log4net ninjectCan anyone tell me if i can register an already created instance of a class with Ninject so that it …
dependency-injection ninject ninject-2I am attempting to create a "barebones" Web API project that uses OWIN middleware, Ninject Depencency Injection, and ultimately to … ninject owinPlease forgive my ignorance, but I am very new to IOC and NinJect. I have searched for high and low … ioc-container ninjectI installed on my project Ninject.MVC3 via Nuget. I read this article that to inject dependencies in my controllers, … dependency-injection ninjectFollowing the advice I have been given in this thread [Ninject UOW pattern, new ConnectionString after user is authenticated I …
c# dependency-injection ninject anti-patterns service-locatorI'm using the attached image to explain what I meant. I have a few classes managed by NInject. Some of …