Top "Ninject" questions

NInject is a dependency injection framework for .NET applications.

Ninject WithConstructorArgument : No matching bindings are available, and the type is not self-bindable

My understanding of WithConstructorArgument is probably erroneous, because the following is not working: I have a service, lets call it …

c# exception-handling dependency-injection ninject ninject-2
MVC 4 Web Api Controller does not have a default constructor?

Here is the trace: <Error> <Message>An error has occurred.</Message> <ExceptionMessage> …

c# inversion-of-control ninject
Combining DI with constructor parameters?

How do I combine constructor injection with "manual" constructor parameters? ie. public class SomeObject { public SomeObject(IService service, float someValue) { } } …

c# ninject dependency-management
Ninject in ASP.NET MVC4

So after much screwing around I finally got Ninject wired in and compiling in my MVC4 application. The problem I …

c# ninject
Ninject error in WebAPI 2.1 - Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor

I have the following packages and their dependencies installed in my WebAPI project: Ninject.Web.WebApi Ninject.Web.WebApi.OwinHost …

c# dependency-injection ninject
What does WebActivator do?

This code was generated for me after added entity framework code-first for SQL Server CE using NuGet. They did no … ninject ef-code-first
How do I work with Ninject in an ASP.NET MVC Web App?

I've created a new MVC Web application and I have references to Ninject.dll, Ninject.Web.Common.dll and Ninject.…

c# dependency-injection ninject
Using property injection instead of constructor injection

Long story short, I'm trying to use ELMAH with MVC 2 and Ninject, and I need to use parameterless constructors. I …

c# ninject elmah
How can I implement Ninject or DI on Web Forms?

There are plenty of examples for having it worked on an MVC application. How is it done on Web Forms? webforms ninject
No matching bindings are available, and the type is not self-bindable in Ninject

I am using Ninjec, Ninject.Web.MVC and Ninject.Web.Common When I start my mvc application I get this …

c# ninject ninject.web.mvc