NInject is a dependency injection framework for .NET applications.
In MVC 3 they added a Dependency Resolver what I been using. While answering someone question someone commented on you should … ninject ninject-2How I can use multiple parameters in Ninject syntax like following? Bind<IMyRepository>() .To<SqlMyRepository>() .WithConstructorArgument("…
c# ninjectI am new to dependency injection, but happy with Ninject and Ninject.Extensions.Logging to [Inject] my ILogger wherever i …
c# dependency-injection ninject ninject.web.mvcWhen I have a class with no default constructor, i.e. using dependency injection to pass its dependencies, can Newtonsoft.…
c# json dependency-injection ninjectIn Ninject3 there's a new .ToConstructor feature. As described, it helps to strongly-type constructor arguments like: Bind<IMyService>().…
c# ninjectI am using Ninject MVC3(version for my ASP.Net MVC3 application installed using NuGet Package for Dependency Injection. Here … dependency-injection ninject ninject.web.mvcI'm trying to add Ninject to a WCF service using the WCF Ninject extension. I'm getting the error: The service …
c# wcf ninject ninject-extensionsI have an interface with a few different concrete implementations. I am trying to give Ninject a default to use …
c# ninjectI have a solution called MvcContacts with an MVC 4 project named MvcContacts and a unit testing project named MvcContacts.Test (…
c# unit-testing ninject ninject.web.mvcI have an WinForms application with this Main Form : ICountRepository countRepository; public MainForm(ICountRepository countRepository) { this.countRepository = countRepository; } public void …
c# .net winforms ninject windows-forms-designer