Nasm is the Netwide Assembler, an open-source x86/x64 assembler.
I'm using a computer with an Intel Core 2 CPU and 2GB of RAM. My OS is Ubuntu 9.04. When I try …
linker nasm relocation truncatedI am following this tutorial as a first foray into bootloader/OS development for x86 using NASM:…
assembly x86 nasm bootloaderI'm just curious as to the possibility of loading and executing elf files on OSX. I know the standard executable …
macos operating-system nasmI am trying to compile and link my first program on Assembler. I try to compile the following code: ; %include "…
assembly nasmI am trying to learn assembly language as a hobby and I frequently use gcc -S to produce assembly output. …
gcc assembly nasmI have a few questions about EBP, ESP and stack frame in following code. Why did we subtract 28 from esp? …
assembly x86 nasm calling-convention stack-frameI'm learning assembly, motivation being able to reverse engineer. I'm trying to find the assembler I should begin with, so …
assembly x86 reverse-engineering nasm masm