Top "Nasm" questions

Nasm is the Netwide Assembler, an open-source x86/x64 assembler.

Basic use of immediates vs. square brackets in YASM/NASM x86 assembly

Suppose I have the following declared: section .bss buffer resb 1 And these instructions follow in section .text: mov al, 5 ; mov-immediate …

assembly x86 nasm memory-address yasm
Return value of a C function to ASM

I'm trying to call a function from within ASM. I know how to call it, but i'm having trouble finding …

c assembly nasm osdev

I have done ARM assembly programming and I would like to learn the Intel Assembler. I keep hearing all these …

assembly intel nasm masm fasm
Linking an assembler program: error "undefined reference to `printf'"

I'm trying to compile this x86 assembly code on x64 Debian : BITS 32 %include 'training.s' global main extern exit ; =============================================== section .…

assembly x86 nasm 32-bit debian-based
Reading from a file in assembly

I'm trying to learn assembly -- x86 in a Linux environment. The most useful tutorial I can find is Writing …

linux file assembly buffer nasm
NASM Vs GAS (Practical differences)

I'm not trying to prompt an Intel vs AT&T war (moot point anyway, now that they both support …

assembly x86 nasm gnu-assembler att
problem in understanding mul & imul instructions of Assembly language

I'm learning 80386 from PC Assembly by paul caurter mul source If the operand is byte sized, it is multiplied by …

assembly x86 nasm
load warning: cannot find entry symbol _start

I'm learning assembly programming. Below is the simple program that prints 'Hello, World!'. While the program runs perfectly, I'm …

linux assembly warnings nasm ld
NASM Assembly convert input to integer?

Ok, so I'm fairly new to assembly, infact, I'm very new to assembly. I wrote a piece of code which …

assembly x86 char nasm atoi
Error when trying to run .asm file on NASM on Ubuntu

I'm using ubuntu 64-bit and trying to run a .asm file on NASM. But it returns this error when I …

linux ubuntu nasm assembly