Top "Mybatis" questions

MyBatis is a framework for mapping objects to relational databases with an emphasis on high performance and simplicity.

MyBatis TooManyResultsException for seemingly correct mapping

For the sake of resolving this problem I have pared down a lot of my code. I continue to get …

java mybatis spring-mybatis
XML ResultMap in MyBatis with association

I see this issue very strange descibed on google or stack. Let me explain. I have Result Maps in annotations …

java associations mybatis dynamicquery xmlmapper
arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation

I use firebird as my database and mybatis to manipulate the data, but when I run a query with a …

sql firebird mybatis
MyBatis:collection via annotation in one query

I have an xml mapper - one select and one result mapper. It works without problems. But I want to …

java sql mybatis
MyBatis: underscore not mapped to camelcase

My problem is simple. I have a column name product_name in my product table in my mysql database but …

mybatis mybatis-generator
MyBatis - jdbcTypeForNull Oracle

I am using MyBatis with an Oracle 11g R2 database. I am using MyBatis 3.3 with ojdbc6 My issue is whenever …

java jdbc oracle11g mybatis spring-mybatis
MyBatis-Spring setup not using transactions

I have a web application set up with MyBatis and Spring, but it doesn't seem to be using any transactions. …

spring transactions ibatis mybatis spring-transactions
MyBatis multiple resultsets

I am currently migrating code from iBatis 2 to MyBatis 3. I have a function that returns multiple results sets which we …

mybatis multiple-resultsets
Lazy Loading using MyBatis 3 with Java

I am using Mybatis (3.2.7 version) as an ORM framework for my JAVA project. As I'm from JPA background, I was …

java sql mybatis
How use PagingAndSorting with MyBatis?

I use mybatis for retriving data from the DB. But I would use the Pageable object (from spring) to have …

spring pagination mybatis spring-mybatis