Top "Mybatis" questions

MyBatis is a framework for mapping objects to relational databases with an emphasis on high performance and simplicity.

MyBatis: How to return the ID of the inserted object under Postgres?

I've got a postgres table where the ID is defined as bigserial. How can I use @Insert and get back …

annotations ibatis mybatis
Error setting null for parameter with Mybatis and ojdbc14.jar

I have an error when setting a parameter as null. This problem ONLY occurs while using ojdbc14.jar. When using …

java mybatis ojdbc
Setting the FROM clause via parameter in MyBatis

I haven't been able to see anything in the documentation which speaks to my question, and upon deploying it, my …

ibatis mybatis dynamic-queries
Mybatis BindingException Parameter '__frch_e_0' not found

I'm trying to insert a list to Mybatis and getting the foloowing error: org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Parameter '__…

oracle mybatis ibatis spring-mybatis
Mybatis - Inherited properties not being mapped

I have two classes where one inherits the other. I'm trying to map my resultSet to the subclass and Mybatis …

java generics mybatis
How to connect a ResultHandler in MyBatis Mapper XML

I found several examples how to connect a custom ResultHandler to a MyBatis Query: e.g.…

java xml pagination mybatis mapper
Mybatis No Getter Property

I'm working with Mybatis 3.2.6 and implementing a custom resulthandler. I've done this before using a simple datatype parameter and have …

java orm mybatis ibatis
Mybatis reference sql from another mapper.xml file

I have written a standard select and resultMap for a table/object in one mapper.xml file and am wondering …

xml mybatis mapper
spring3 + mybatis custom typeHandler

i have a pojo with some field of type Set<String>. I want to persist them in the …

spring mybatis typehandler
Java MyBatis Enum string value

I feel like this is a simple problem, but none of the things i tried work for me. I have …

java enums mybatis enumeration ibatis