Top "Mybatis" questions

MyBatis is a framework for mapping objects to relational databases with an emphasis on high performance and simplicity.

MyBatis extra comma in update query

In the Mybatis xml mapper file, I tried to write update query for User table as shown below. Each of …

mysql mybatis
MyBatis 3.0.1 insert problem

Decided to move one of my project from iBatis to MyBatis and ran into a problem with insert. mapper xml: &…

java ibatis mybatis
Custom Spring AOP Around + @Transactional

I have a custom Around implemented to match on a custom Annotation. I want the custom around to execute WITHIN …

java spring mybatis spring-aop
How can I reuse an SQL fragment with parameters?

I'm intending to make a fragment for reusing with parameters. <insert ...> <selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="_long" order="…

mybatis ibatis
Error creating bean with name 'sqlSessionFactory' ... Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException

I'm trying to integrate spring-mybatis in my application. I'm using spring 4.1.4 and mybatis 3.2.8 java 7 and the server is WebSphere Application …

spring mybatis spring-mybatis
Updating multiple database rows in Spring - Mybatis

I am trying to update multiple database rows. Using mybatis 3.1 and spring 3 here is my update query in mapper.xml: &…

spring-mvc mybatis spring-mybatis