Top "Multisampling" questions

How to use Multisampling with OpenGL FBOs

I'm trying to enable mutlisampling and alpha-to-coverage for an FBO. Using the default framebuffer, all I have to do is …

c++ opengl fbo multisampling
where is GL_MULTISAMPLE defined?

Although I have been discouraged from reading the OpenGL redbook, I am still doing it, because it is the only …

c++ qt opengl multisampling
How do you activate multisampling in OpenGL ES on the iPhone?

I'm experimenting w/ improving the "resolution" of an OpenGL ES based app. Apple mentions here ( that OpenGL …

iphone opengl-es ios4 multisampling
How do I enable multisampling (antialiasing) in OpenGL with Qt5?

How do I enable multisampling when I create the window? How should I initialize OpenGL to match?

opengl qt5 multisampling
glReadPixels from FBO fails with multisampling

I have an FBO object with a color and depth attachment which I render to and then read from using …

opengl fbo multisampling