Top "Move-constructor" questions

In C++11 a move constructor is a special member function similar to a copy constructor, but taking an rvalue-reference parameter.

Conditions for automatic generation of default/copy/move ctor and copy/move assignment operator?

I want to refresh my memory on the conditions under which a compiler typically auto generates a default constructor, copy …

c++ copy-constructor default-constructor move-constructor move-assignment-operator
How do I get g++ to compile c++11 code with a move constructor?

I can't seem to get g++ to compile c++11 code that uses a move constructor. I keep getting this error: …

c++ g++ c++11 move-constructor
Move semantics when sending object as function's parameter

I'm playing with move constructors and move assignments and i've stumbled on this problem. First code: #include <iostream> #…

c++ c++11 move-semantics move-constructor
When Does Move Constructor get called?

I'm confused about when a move constructor gets called vs a copy constructor. I've read the following sources: Move constructor …

c++ c++11 move-constructor
free(): double free detected in tcache 2 in C++

Firstly, I really checked if there is a question already been asked but I could not find any. Error message …

c++ move-constructor construct copy-assignment move-assignment-operator
How do I invoke the move constructor?

In the code show below, how do I assign rvalue to an object A in function main? #include <iostream&…

c++ move-constructor
Using move semantics with std::pair or std::tuple

Suppose you want to take advantage of move semantics, but one of your movable classes needs to be part of …

c++ c++11 move-semantics std-pair move-constructor
Move Constructors and Static Arrays

I've been exploring the possibilities of Move Constructors in C++, and I was wondering what are some ways of taking …

c++ c++11 rvalue-reference move-semantics move-constructor
How should I deal with mutexes in movable types in C++?

By design, std::mutex is not movable nor copyable. This means that a class A holding a mutex won't receive …

c++ mutex move-constructor
Move constructors and inheritance

I am trying to understand the way move constructors and assignment ops work in C++11 but I'm having problems with …

c++ visual-c++ c++11 visual-studio-2012 move-constructor