Top "Default-constructor" questions

A default constructor is a parameterless constructor, often generated by the compiler.

Java default constructor

What exactly is a default constructor — can you tell me which one of the following is a default constructor and …

java constructor default-constructor
no default constructor exists for class

#include "Includes.h" enum BlowfishAlgorithm { ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64, }; class Blowfish { public: struct bf_key_st { unsigned long P[18]; unsigned …

c++ class constructor class-design default-constructor
Default constructors and inheritance in Java

I have a question about default constructors and inheritance in Java. Generally, if you write a class and do not …

java inheritance initialization default-constructor
Creating instance of type without default constructor in C# using reflection

Take the following class as an example: class Sometype { int someValue; public Sometype(int someValue) { this.someValue = someValue; } } I then …

c# reflection instantiation default-constructor
Does the default constructor initialize built-in types?

Does the default constructor (created by the compiler) initialize built-in-types?

c++ constructor initialization default-constructor built-in-types
Default initialization of std::array?

With C++11 std::array, do I have the guarantee that the syntax std::array<T, N> x; will …

c++11 initialization default-constructor stdarray
C++ default destructor

When I don't declare a constructor for example, the compiler will provide me with a default constructor that will have …

c++ constructor destructor default-constructor
Difference between a no-arg constructor and a default constructor in Java

Actually I can not understand that what is the difference between a no-arg constructor and a default constructor. import javax.…

java constructor default-constructor
Should we always include a default constructor in the class?

I have been asked this question by a colleague that should we always include a default constructor in a class? …

c# .net clr default-constructor
Does Spring require all beans to have a default constructor?

I don't want to create a default constructor for my auditRecord class. But Spring seems to insist on it: org.…

java spring spring-mvc default-constructor