Top "Default-constructor" questions

A default constructor is a parameterless constructor, often generated by the compiler.

Kotlin with JPA: default constructor hell

As JPA requires, @Entity classes should have a default (non-arg) constructor to instantiate the objects when retrieving them from the …

hibernate jpa default-constructor kotlin
How is "=default" different from "{}" for default constructor and destructor?

I originally posted this as a question only about destructors, but now I'm adding consideration of the default constructor. Here's …

c++ c++11 user-defined-functions default-constructor deleted-functions
C++ Initializing Non-Static Member Array

I am working on editing some old C++ code that uses global arrays defined like so: int posLShd[5] = {250, 330, 512, 600, 680}; int posLArm[5] = {760, 635, 512, 320, 265}; …

c++ arrays default-constructor
Do I really need to define default constructor in java?

It works fine when constructors are not defined, but gives errors if I define a parameterized constructor and not a …

java constructor default-constructor
Array initialization with default constructor

public class Sample { static int count = 0; public int abc; public Sample() { abc = ++Sample.count; } } I want to create an array …

c# arrays default-constructor array-initialize
Create a default constructor in C++

This might be a stupid question but I can't find a lot of information on the web about creating your …

c++ default-constructor
Conditions for automatic generation of default/copy/move ctor and copy/move assignment operator?

I want to refresh my memory on the conditions under which a compiler typically auto generates a default constructor, copy …

c++ copy-constructor default-constructor move-constructor move-assignment-operator
"No appropriate default constructor available"--Why is the default constructor even called?

I've looked at a few other questions about this, but I don't see why a default constructor should even be …

c++ constructor member default-constructor
User Defined C++11 enum class Default Constructor

Is there a way to specify the default constructor of an enum class? I am using an enum class to …

c++ c++11 default-constructor enum-class
In which cases there is no constructor at all, even a default constructor?

In this book I am currently reading I ran across this: A class doesn't need a constructor. A default constructor …

c++ constructor default-constructor