Top "Default-constructor" questions

A default constructor is a parameterless constructor, often generated by the compiler.

Creating a Fragment: constructor vs newInstance()

I recently grew tired of constantly having to know String keys to pass arguments into Bundles when creating my Fragments. …

android constructor android-fragments default-constructor
Default constructor with empty brackets

Is there any good reason that an empty set of round brackets (parentheses) isn't valid for calling the default constructor …

c++ constructor default-constructor c++-faq most-vexing-parse
Is default no-args constructor mandatory for Gson?

Gson user guide states that we should define default no-args constructor for any class to work with Gson properly. Even …

java json gson default-constructor
Constructor injection using Spring annotation @Autowired does not work

I have created 2 simple classes. Constructor of one class is annotated as @Autowired. It accepts the object of another class. …

spring annotations default-constructor constructor-injection
Accessing a Private Constructor from Outside the Class in C#

If I define a class with a private default constructor and a public constructor that has parameters, how can I …

c# constructor visibility default-constructor
Why do we need a default no argument constructor in Java?

Why do we need a default no argument constructor in many Java related APIs? Like as a general rule all …

java constructor default-constructor
Purpose of Explicit Default Constructors

I recently noticed a class in C++0x that calls for an explicit default constructor. However, I'm failing to come …

c++ default-constructor explicit explicit-constructor
Class inherited from class without default constructor

Right now I have a class A that inherits from class B, and B does not have a default constructor. …

c++ class inheritance constructor default-constructor
Default constructor does not initialize the instance members of the class?

I encountered a question that asks "Which of the following are true about the "default" constructor?" and an option "It …

java constructor default-constructor
Default constructor for an inherited class

I've reduced my problem down to the following example code: class pokemon{ public: pokemon(int n); }; class MewTwo : public pokemon { …

c++ inheritance default-constructor