Top "Copy-assignment" questions

Why are arrays not assignable in C/C++?

I understand that memberwise assignment of arrays is not supported, such that the following will not work: int num1[3] = {1,2,3}; int …

c++ c arrays struct copy-assignment
free(): double free detected in tcache 2 in C++

Firstly, I really checked if there is a question already been asked but I could not find any. Error message …

c++ move-constructor construct copy-assignment move-assignment-operator
C++ Object Instantiation vs Assignment

What is the difference between this: TestClass t; And this: TestClass t = TestClass(); I expected that the second might call …

c++ constructor default-constructor copy-assignment
How can I make my class immune to the "auto value = copy of proxy" landmine in C++?

I have a fairly complex maths library I'm working on, and I have discovered a nasty bug when client code …

c++ copy-assignment