This tag is for questions related to querying and updating MongoDB collections, either through the mongo shell or using a programming language driver.
I've got documents that look like this: { "_id" : "someuniqueeventid", "event" : "event_type_1", "date" : ISODate("2014-01-14T00:00:00Z"), } I want …
mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-frameworkConsider the following object structure stored as documents: public class Foo { public string Id { get; set; } public ICollection<FooBar&…
c# mongodb mongodb-query mongodb-csharp-2.0I have just installed mongodb on my system, I wanted to know if it was possible to insert blob data …
mongodb mongodb-query mongodb-java spring-data-mongodbI have the following model in mongo db: User collection { _id:12345, name:"Joe", age:15, } Addresses collection { _id:7663, userId:12345, Street:"xyz", …
mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-framework non-relational-database document-based-databaseI have created a collection and added a unique key like this db.user_services.createIndex({"uid":1 , "sid": 1},{unique:true,…
php mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-frameworkI'm trying to save the longitude/latitude of a location in my user Model and query it with $geoNear. I've …
node.js mongodb mongoose mongodb-query geospatialThere is a particular task I want to accomplish, but I am not finding any particular way to do that. …
mongodb mongodb-query mongodb-indexesI have document structure like : { map: 'A', points: [ { type: 'type1', distanceToSpawn: 110 }, { type: 'type4', distanceToSpawn: 40 }, { type: 'type6', distanceToSpawn: 30 } ] }, { …
mongodb sorting mongodb-query aggregation-frameworkHow to use skip() and limit() in meteor? Post.find({"user_id":user_id}).skip(0).limit(5); when I execute above …
mongodb meteor mongodb-queryWhen I am firing this query on MongoDB, I am getting all the places in the proximity of 500 miles to …
mongodb mongodb-query geospatial