Top "Mongodb-indexes" questions

Indexes provide high performance read operations for frequently used queries.

Overflow sort stage buffered data usage exceeds internal limit

Using the code: all_reviews = db_handle.find().sort('reviewDate', pymongo.ASCENDING) print all_reviews.count() print all_reviews[0] print …

mongodb mongodb-query mongodb-indexes
A list of indices in MongoDB?

Is there a way to see a list of indices on a collection in mongodb in shell? i read through …

mongodb indexing database-indexes mongodb-indexes database
MongoException: Index with name: code already exists with different options

I have a mongodb collection term with following structure { "_id" : "00002c34-a4ca-42ee-b242-e9bab8e3a01f", "terminologyClass" : "…

mongodb spring-data-mongodb mongodb-java mongodb-indexes
Mongo indexing on object arrays vs objects

I'm implementing a contact database that handles quite a few fields. Most of them are predefined and can be considered …

mongodb mongodb-indexes
Create a conditional TTL in mongo

There is a particular task I want to accomplish, but I am not finding any particular way to do that. …

mongodb mongodb-query mongodb-indexes
Mongodb background indexes - are they still background once created?

When creating an index in mongodb, you can specify the background: true flag, which causes the index creation to be …

mongodb indexing mongodb-indexes
sparse indexes and null values in mongo

I'm not sure I understand sparse indexes correctly. I have a sparse unique index on fbId { "ns" : "mydb.users", "key" : { "…

mongodb indexing mongodb-indexes
MongoDB - too much data for sort() with no index error

I am using MongoDB 1.6.3, to store a big collection (300k+ records). I added a composite index. db['collection_name'].getIndexes() [ { "…

mongodb database-design mongodb-indexes mongodb-ruby nosql
Can I modify existing index in MongoDB without dropping it?

Can I modify existing index in MongoDB without dropping it ? I don't see anything about it in documentation. I have …

mongodb indexing mongodb-indexes