Top "Database-indexes" questions

An index contains keys built from one or more columns in the table, or view, and pointers that map to the storage location of the specified data.

How does database indexing work?

Given that indexing is so important as your data set increases in size, can someone explain how indexing works at …

sql database performance indexing database-indexes
SQL Server Web vs Standard edition

I have found out that there's two versions of SQL Server types that are very different in terms of pricing... …

sql sql-server performance sql-server-2008 database-indexes
Can MySQL use multiple indexes for a single query?

Imagine a table with multiple columns, say, id, a, b, c, d, e. I usually select by id, however, there …

mysql indexing database-indexes
PostgreSQL: Can you create an index in the CREATE TABLE definition?

I want to add indexes to some of the columns in a table on creation. Is there are way to …

postgresql database-schema database-indexes
A list of indices in MongoDB?

Is there a way to see a list of indices on a collection in mongodb in shell? i read through …

mongodb indexing database-indexes mongodb-indexes database
Creating Indexes on DB with Hibernate @Index Annotation

I have annotation-driven hibernate capabilies on my project. Now I want to create an index over a column. My current …

java hibernate annotations hibernate-annotations database-indexes
Different types of database indexes?

I am trying to compile a list of non-system-specific database indexes. I've looked at Oracle, DB2, MySQL, Postgres and Sybase, …

database database-indexes
Advantage of BTREE?

I create indexes without the USING BTREE clause. Is there any advantage of using BTREE index? CREATE INDEX `SomeName` USING …

mysql b-tree database-indexes
Cassandra: choosing a Partition Key

I'm undecided whether it's better, performance-wise, to use a very commonly shared column value (like Country) as partition key for …

cassandra composite-primary-key database-partitioning database-indexes
Postgres not using index when index scan is much better option

I have a simple query to join two tables that's being really slow. I found out that the query plan …

sql postgresql postgresql-performance database-indexes