This tag is for questions related to querying and updating MongoDB collections, either through the mongo shell or using a programming language driver.
It seems to me that when you are creating a Mongo document and have a field {key: value} which is …
mongodb mongodb-query document-database nosqlI'm trying to group a set of documents and count them based on their value. For example { "_id" : 1, "item" : "abc1", "…
mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-framework nosqlI have a collection t1 with the following fields in its schema _id, field1, field1 I want set field2's …
mongodb mongodb-queryI want to find an account by name (in a MongoDB collection of 50K accounts) In the usual way: we …
regex mongodb indexing mongodb-queryHow can i use a for loop in the mongo db shell? My attemps are stucking at this point: for (…
mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-framework mongo-shell mongodb-aggregationI am using MongoDB as the back-end database for Python web application (PyMongo + Bottle). Users can upload files and optionally …
python mongodb mongodb-query pymongoIs there an operator I could use in aggregate function to get a string instead of ObjectId in response? db.…
mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-frameworkSo as you all know, find() returns an array of results, with findOne() returning just a simply object. With Angular, …
mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-frameworkI am newbie to mongodb. I need to insert a doc without the _id field generating automatically. I need to …
mongodb mongodb-java mongodb-queryI need to create a new field sid on each document in a collection of about 500K documents. Each sid …
node.js mongodb mongodb-query cursor