Top "Monads" questions

A monad in programming is a composable computation description.

monoid vs monad in Scala

I have recently tried to find a good source on the difference between monads and monoids. Could someone provide a …

scala functional-programming monads monoids
What is indexed monad?

What is indexed monad and the motivation for this monad? I have read that it helps to keep track of …

haskell monads
Why does application of `sequence` on List of Lists lead to computation of its Cartesian Product?

My question is about the sequence function in Prelude, the signature of which is as follows: sequence :: Monad m => […

haskell functional-programming monads cartesian-product
Can anyone explain Monads?

Having briefly looked at Haskell recently, what would be a brief, succinct, practical explanation as to what a monad essentially …

haskell functional-programming monads glossary
What are the benefits of applicative parsing over monadic parsing?

There seems to be a consensus that you should use Parsec as an applicative rather than a monad. What are …

haskell monads parsec applicative
Evil use of Maybe monad and extension methods in C#?

edit 2015 This question and its answers are no longer relevant. It was asked before the advent of C# 6, which has …

c# extension-methods monads
How does the ST monad work?

I understand that the ST monad is something like a little brother of IO, which in turn is the state …

haskell monads
Using 'Either' in Haskell

I have two values, t1 and t2, of type Either String Type. The Left-value is used for error handling. These …

haskell monads either
map versus mapM behavior

I'm on the I/O chapter of Real World Haskell. Monads aren't discussed in the book for another 7 chapters. Which …

map monads haskell
Is Future in Scala a monad?

Why and how specifically is a Scala Future not a Monad; and would someone please compare it to something that …

scala monads