Top "Monads" questions

A monad in programming is a composable computation description.

Has anyone ever encountered a Monad Transformer in the wild?

In my area of business - back office IT for a financial institution - it is very common for a …

design-patterns haskell monad-transformers monads
Monads vs. Arrows

I'm broadly familiar with the concepts of monads and arrows as used in functional programming. I also understand that they …

language-agnostic haskell functional-programming monads arrows
What exactly makes Option a monad in Scala?

I know what the monads are and how to use them. What I don't understand is what makes, let's say, …

scala haskell functional-programming monads maybe
Method parameters validation in Scala, with for comprehension and monads

I'm trying to validate the parameters of a method for nullity but i don't find the solution... Can someone tell …

scala monads for-comprehension either
Defining a new monad in haskell raises no instance for Applicative

I am trying to define a new monad and I am getting a strange error newmonad.hs newtype Wrapped a = …

haskell monads
Avoiding lift with monad transformers

I have a problem to which a stack of monad transformers (or even one monad transformer) over IO. Everything is …

haskell monads monad-transformers
Should I avoid using Monad fail?

I'm fairly new to Haskell and have been slowly getting the idea that there's something wrong with the existence of …

monads haskell
In what sense is the IO Monad pure?

I've had the IO monad described to me as a State monad where the state is "the real world". The …

haskell io monads
Why monads? How does it resolve side-effects?

I am learning Haskell and trying to understand Monads. I have two questions: From what I understand, Monad is just …

haskell monads