In Haskell, Applicative functors are functors such that two functorial values can be combined into one, whilst the two values inside are combined via a functional application.
While explaining to someone what a type class X is I struggle to find good examples of data structures which …
haskell monads functor applicativeGoing through Haskell's documentation is always a bit of a pain for me, because all the information you get about …
haskell applicative alternative-functorI know that Monad can be expressed in Scala as follows: trait Monad[F[_]] { def flatMap[A, B](f: A =&…
scala functional-programming applicativeI just read the following from typeclassopedia about the difference between Monad and Applicative. I can understand that there is …
haskell monads applicativeApplicatives compose, monads don't. What does the above statement mean? And when is one preferable to other?
haskell functional-programming monads monad-transformers applicativeThere seems to be a consensus that you should use Parsec as an applicative rather than a monad. What are …
haskell monads parsec applicativeAlternative, an extension of Applicative, declares empty, <|> and these two functions: One or more: some :: f a -&…
haskell applicative some-and-many alternative-functorI want to create a Future of type Future[(Class1,Class2,Class3)] from below code. However the only way I …
scala akka future applicativeI am a Scala programmer, learning Haskell now. It's easy to find practical use cases and real world examples for …
scala haskell f# functional-programming applicative