Top "Mkmapview" questions

MKMapView is part of Apple's MapKit framework for developing location-aware iOS applications, and provides an embeddable map interface.

How to add GMSMapView in Storyboard in IOS I am working for map clustering . In map clustering private var …

ios swift google-maps mkmapview gmsmapview
iPhone MKMapView - MKPolygon Issues

I am trying to plot a MKPolygon on a MKMapView in iOS 4.0. I have an NSArray which contains custom objects …

ios objective-c iphone mkmapview mkpolygon
Are tile overlays possible with the iPhone's MapKit

I already have a tile source set up for use with the Google Maps JavaScript API. I am trying to …

iphone objective-c mapkit mkmapview catiledlayer
Why is ViewForAnnotation not called?

I know this question has been asked multiple times, however all of the answers seem slightly different than what is …

ios swift2 mkmapview mkannotationview
MKMapView's user location is wrong on startup or resume

When I start my application fresh, or resume after a long time, MKMapView's notion of the userLocation is wrong and …

iphone mkmapview game-center userlocation
Use CLLocationManager and MKReverseGeocoder to get name of city

I am trying to get the name of the city of user's current location by using MKReverseGeoCoder but it has …

objective-c mkmapview cllocationmanager mkreversegeocoder
iPhone SDK: Convert MKMapPoint to CGPoint

I have converted a longitude and latitude on my MapView to a MKMapPoint. I then want to move an imageView …

iphone mkmapview cllocationmanager cgpoint
how to add custom callout view in mapview

I am new to mapkit in objective-c. I am able to add custom annotation in mapview. i need to place …

iphone objective-c mkmapview mkannotationview
Animate removal of annotations

I have a map and a set of annotations, each with a 'parent' property. Currently when I add annotations I …

objective-c ios mkmapview mkannotation mkannotationview