Top "Gmsmapview" questions

This is the main class of the Google Maps SDK for iOS and is the entry point for all methods related to the map.

GoogleMaps API KEY for testing

I'd like to add an API_KEY for GoogleMaps for testing and in documentation I've read this : Tip: During development …

android google-maps google-cloud-platform gmsmapview
Drawing Route Between Two Places on GMSMapView in iOS

I am Developing an iOS Application. In that Application i am having 2 Fields From and To. I Entered Address using …

ios google-maps ios7 google-polyline gmsmapview
Remove particular GMSMarker from GMSMapview using Google Map sdk in ios

I am integrating google maps sdk. Its all work fine. But how to remove particular Marker(Pin Point) when second …

ios iphone google-maps gmsmapview
How do I move marker along with moving of Google Map in iOS?

I am displaying a marker in a particular place, along with displaying the current address in the address label on …

ios swift google-maps google-maps-sdk-ios gmsmapview
Moving Google Maps Camera to a Location

I'm working with a Google Maps View and I want to add a button to the map that when tapped, …

ios swift google-maps location gmsmapview
How to add marker for a map view in google maps sdk for ios in swift

Trying to add a marker to Google map,but the app is getting crashed at while addMarker() function call,Exception …

ios swift google-maps-sdk-ios markers gmsmapview
GoogleMaps (GMSView) Won't display in iOS

I have incorporated the following: Tried importing both the GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h as well as the GoogleMapsM4B/GoogleMaps.h …

ios xcode swift google-maps gmsmapview
GMSMarker icon from center (iOS)

I just switched from Apple Maps to Google Maps. An issue that I can't seem to find an answer to …

ios google-maps google-maps-markers center gmsmapview
How to get animated polyline route in GMSMapView, so that it move along with map when map is moved?

I have created animated polyline like CAShapeLayer by following code, I have added CAShapeLayer as sublayer to GMSMapiew but, if …

ios swift gmsmapview google-maps-sdk-ios
Remove all GMSMarker from GMSMapView?

I placed 100 GMSMarkers on GMSMapView. How to remove all the GMSMarkers? In Google Sdk Version 1.6 for iOS. Marker array(in …

ios marker google-maps-sdk-ios gmsmapview