Top "Mkannotation" questions

An Apple protocol, used to provide annotation-related information to a map view

MKMapView: Instead of Annotation Pin, a custom view

I want to display an image in my MKMapView instead of little rock pin. Can someone please put some helpful …

ios objective-c swift mkmapview mkannotation
MKMapView MKPointAnnotation tap event

I have a list of annotations (MKPointAnnotation). I have a UIViewController which is for the whole view, MKMapView implementing Controller, …

ios objective-c mkmapview mapkit mkannotation
How to create an NSMutableArray and assign a specific object to it?

I am just getting into Obj C, and I am looking to create an array of MKAnnotations. I have already …

ios objective-c nsmutablearray mkannotation
How to validate latitude and longitude

I have two UITextFields which users can enter in a latitude and longitude, these co-ordinates are then used to create …

geolocation gps coordinates mkmapview mkannotation
Swift - Add MKAnnotationView To MKMapView

I'm trying to add MKAnnotationView to MKMapView but I can't do it… Can anyone help me? Here is my code: …

mkmapview swift mkannotation mkannotationview
How to create Custom MKAnnotationView and custom annotation title and subtitle

I need to create above Annotation view on MKMapView. I am able to create the custom annotation view but on …

ios map mkannotation iphone-5 mkannotationview
MKMapview place pin at location (long/lat)

I have latitude and long values and I need to be able to drop a pin at this location. Can …

objective-c mkmapview mkannotation mkannotationview
How to display 2 lines of text for subtitle of MKAnnotation and change the image for the button on the right?

I am looking at Apple's MapCallouts example for map annotations and callouts (==bubbles that appear when you click on a …

iphone mkmapview mkannotation
How do I remove all annotations from MKMapView except the user location annotation?

I use removeAnnotations to remove my annotations from mapView but same it remove user location ann. How can I prevent …

ios xcode mkmapview mkannotation userlocation
How do I drop a pin with MapKit?

I would like to allow the user of my app to pick a location in the map. The native map …

iphone google-maps mkmapview user-input mkannotation