A mixin is a way to enhance an object with properties or methods from another object without inheriting from that object.
Could someone please explain to me the differences between abstract classes, interfaces, and mixins? I've used each before in my …
oop interface terminology abstract-class mixinsI want to dynamically create mixins in SASS, named after each item in the list, but it doesn't seem to …
css sass mixins css-preprocessor dynamic-functionIs there a way to emulate mixins or traits in java? basically, I need a way to do multiple inheritance …
java mixins traitsI'm trying to use filter mixin this way in SCSS: a { @include filter(grayscale(100%)); } But when I compile, I got …
css compass-sass mixinsI want to remove the clearfix class from my HTML and include a clearfix mixin in my SCSS (Rails 3.1 application). …
ruby-on-rails-3.1 sass mixins clearfixI'm very familiar with the concepts of interfaces and abstract classes, but not super familiar with the concepts of mixins. …
oop interface dart abstract-class mixinsIt would appear that it is possible to change the implementation of a method on a class with a trait …
scala polymorphism mixins traitsI'm want to create one page with a form, and every time I submit the form it adds an item …
django listview mixinsI am trying to use neat for bourbon and I have got most things sorted out but I am hitting …
frameworks sass media-queries mixins bourbon