Top "Mixins" questions

A mixin is a way to enhance an object with properties or methods from another object without inheriting from that object.

Abstract class + mixin + multiple inheritance in python

So, I think the code probably explains what I'm trying to do better than I can in words, so here …

python abstract-class multiple-inheritance mixins
Is it possible to use mixins in php

I came to know about mixins.So my doubt is, is it possible to use mixins in php?If yes …

php mixins
LESS CSS Pass mixin as a parameter to another mixin

Is there any way to pass one mixin or style's declaration to another mixin as an input parameter? Let's take …

css arguments less mixins css-animations
Difference between @Delegate, @Mixin and Traits in Groovy?

Would someone explain when I would want to use Groovy Traits vs. Mixins (@Mixin) vs. Delegates (@Delegate)? Maybe some trade-offs …

design-patterns groovy delegates mixins traits
Dynamically define a variable in LESS CSS

I am trying to create a mixin that dynamically defines variables in LESS CSS, by actually assigning them a composite …

css less interpolation mixins
Where to put common code found in multiple models?

I have two models that contain the same method: def foo # do something end Where should I put this? I …

ruby-on-rails ruby mixins
How do you access an instance variable within a mixin method?

How do you access an instance variable within a mixin method? I can think of 2 ways, but both seem problematic. …

ruby module methods mixins
Mixing in a trait dynamically

Having a trait trait Persisted { def id: Long } how do I implement a method that accepts an instance of any …

scala mixins case-class traits
How to mock Vue Mixins during unit testing using vue-test-utils and jest?

I read vue-utils-test documentation 3 times and documentation of jest too, But I do not get idea how exactly mock the …

unit-testing vue.js jestjs mixins
What's the difference between mixin() and extend() in Javascript libraries

I'm looking through various libraries, and seeing extend() pop up a lot, but I'm also seeing mixin() show up. YUI …

javascript design-patterns extend mixins