Top "Minecraft" questions

Use this tag for programming-related questions about the computer game Minecraft.

How does Minecraft perform lighting?

The only model I'm familiar with is diffuse lighting but this look way more complicated than that.

opengl rendering real-time lighting minecraft
Sending a PluginMessage from BungeeCord to a SpigotServer

I tried to send a message via the "BungeeCord Plugin Messaging Channel" from the Proxy to a Server. I used …

java plugins minecraft bukkit bungeecord
Java sending handshake packets to minecraft server

I have been working on a java program that basically acts like Minechat(text-based app to just view chat.) I …

java network-programming minecraft packets
Automatically read chat text from Minecraft

In Minecraft I was hoping to find a way to read the chat automatically like pictured below In order to …

python text screen-scraping minecraft
Where are the source files for forge?

When I try to open Block.class, or any other classes from the same package as Block.class, eclipse will …

java eclipse minecraft minecraft-forge
How can I set/get a HashMap in a YAML configuration file?

I am making my first bukkit plugin. I would like to programmatically create a YAML file that represents a HashMap. …

yaml minecraft bukkit