Top "Minecraft-forge" questions

Minecraft Forge is an unofficial API for extending Minecraft.

The method must override or implement a supertype method

I am making a custom armor, and in my armor class I am getting this error: The method getArmorTexture(ItemStack, …

java minecraft minecraft-forge
Intellij IDEA Maven Import problems

I wanted to switch to IntelliJ for forge modding (minecraft). When I do what they are saying to do on …

maven intellij-idea minecraft minecraft-forge
How would I increase the max build limit in minecraft?

I want to take on the ambitious project of recreating the earth in Minecraft at a much larger and detailed …

java minecraft minecraft-forge
Where to start with creating Minecraft client mods

I've looked all over the net and YouTube and for some reason this is some top secret information or something …

java eclipse minecraft minecraft-forge
Add external jar in gradle

How can I add an external library in gradle? My build.gradle contains: buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() maven { name = "forge" url = "…

gradle minecraft-forge
Could not determine java version from '13.0.1'

I have gradle 6.0.1 and JDK 13.0.1 installed and tried gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, but it tells me "Could not determine java version from …

java gradle minecraft-forge
How to set Gradle environment variables?

I'm trying to execute a Gradle command-line task -setupDecompWorkspace to set up Minecraft Forge, but the task gets stuck on …

gradle gradlew minecraft-forge
Minecraft Forge 1.8 - Loading Block Textures

I have just started learning Java while modding Minecraft. I have watched a tutorial on adding the blocks into the …

java minecraft minecraft-forge
Where are the source files for forge?

When I try to open Block.class, or any other classes from the same package as Block.class, eclipse will …

java eclipse minecraft minecraft-forge