Top "Memory-leaks" questions

A memory leak occurs when a program fails to release memory that it has allocated but is no longer using and is not recoverable.

Does JavaScript setInterval() method cause memory leak?

Currently developing a JavaScript based animation project. I have noticed that, proper use of setInterval(), setTimeout() and even requestAnimationFrame allocates …

javascript memory-leaks setinterval
how to clear an NSMutableArray of custom objects without creating memory leaks?

If I have an NSMutableArray of custom objects, how can I must easily clear the array without causing any memory …

iphone objective-c ios memory-leaks nsmutablearray
What kind of leaks does automatic reference counting in Objective-C not prevent or minimize?

In the Mac and iOS platforms, memory leaks are often caused by unreleased pointers. Traditionally, it has always been of …

ios objective-c macos memory-leaks automatic-ref-counting
How to prevent memory leaks in node.js?

We know node.js provides us with great power but with great power comes great responsibility. As far as I …

memory-leaks node.js
destroy a function in javascript (jquery)

Is there anyone who knows how to destroy a javascript (jquery) function? I'm using jquery "selectable" and a function call "…

javascript jquery memory-leaks selectable
jQuery memory leak with DOM removal

Here's a dead-simple webpage that leaks memory in IE8 using jQuery (I detect memory leaks by watching the memory usage …

jquery memory-leaks
ThreadLocal & Memory Leak

It is mentioned at multiple posts: improper use of ThreadLocal causes Memory Leak. I am struggling to understand how Memory …

java multithreading memory-leaks thread-local permgen
Does using .reset() on a std::shared_ptr delete all instances

I'm new to shared_ptr's and I'm trying to figure out the exact functionality of the .reset() function. #include <…

c++ memory memory-leaks shared-memory shared-ptr
Efficiency of using a Python list as a queue

A coworker recently wrote a program in which he used a Python list as a queue. In other words, he …

python list memory-leaks
what's the difference between working set and commit size?

when debugging OOM bugs, what's the difference between working set and commit size? Especially what's the exact meaning for commit …

windows memory-leaks ram