Top "Memory-leaks" questions

A memory leak occurs when a program fails to release memory that it has allocated but is no longer using and is not recoverable.

How to use Leak Canary

I know this is probably a dumb question, but I am pretty new at developing android, and I currently experiencing …

java android memory-leaks leakcanary
The Best Memory Leak Definition

I feel like developers talk about memory leaks but when you ask them what that means many have no idea. …

memory-leaks definition
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap

I have something like this: Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; WeakReference<Bitmap> bm = new WeakReference<Bitmap&…

java android memory-leaks bitmap
Can using too many static variables cause a memory leak in Java?

If my application has too many static variables or methods, then as per definition they will be stored in heap. …

java memory-management memory-leaks
There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal'

SQL Server 2008 Linked Server and ad-hoc INSERTs cause a rapid memory leak which eventually causes the server to become non-responsive …

sql-server-2008 memory-leaks oledb linked-server
error opening HPROF file: IOException: Unknown HPROF Version

I am getting the following exception when trying to open HPROF file (created by Debug.dumpHprofData) with Memory Analyzer: java.…

android memory-leaks dump
Method for finding memory leak in large Java heap dumps

I have to find a memory leak in a Java application. I have some experience with this but would like …

java methodology enterprise legacy-code memory-leaks
ruby/ruby on rails memory leak detection

I wrote a small web app using ruby on rails, its main purpose is to upload, store, and display results …

ruby-on-rails ruby memory memory-leaks coding-style
How to use valgrind with python?

I am trying to memcheck a C python extension I am writing, but I'm having trouble setting up valgrind to …

python memory-leaks valgrind
Are memory leaks ever ok?

Is it ever acceptable to have a memory leak in your C or C++ application? What if you allocate some …

c++ c memory-leaks